Friday, May 30, 2014

What We Did, Friday, 5/30/14


1) Reviewed notes from last night - decomposition reactions

2) Demonstrated a decomposition reaction -- "Gummy Bear Execution"

3) PPs 8-2: Complete and Balance -- ALL word equations, choose ONE formula equation to do from each section, due Monday


*LTA 7.3 = Monday, 6/2

*Unit 7 Test = Thursday, 6/5

Thursday, May 29, 2014

What We Did, Thursday, 5/29/14


1) Hand in Worksheet #5 - Double Replacements

2) FPQ -reaction types

3) Demos - Double Replacement Reactions

4) Lab Assessment  - Pennies and Single Replacement Reactions

5) HW: Watch Notes 7.3 - Decomposition Reactions (here on blog or on Edmodo)
*LTA 7.3 = Monday, 6/2

*Unit 7 Test = Thursday, 6/5

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Notes: 7.3 - Decomposition Reactions

What We Did, Wednesday, 5/28/14


1) Turn in Worksheet #4 (Word Equations for 1-11, formula equations for 3, 5-8)

2) Finish Lab -- Assessment tomorrow!

3) Worksheet #5 - word equations only - due tomorrow (make sure all species have a down arrow, and up arrow, or (aq))

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What We Did, Tuesday, 5/27/14


1) Handed back LTAs 7.1 and 7.2
2) Pre-Lab: Pennies and SR Reactions (on Edmodo)
3) HW: Watch notes on 7.3 - Double Replacement Reactions (either here or on Edmodo)

Make sure PPs 7.3 - Worksheet #4 is complete to check tomorrow!

Notes: 7.3 - Notes on Double Replacements

Friday, May 23, 2014

What We Did, Friday, 5/23/14

1) Went over LTAs 7.1 and 7.2
2) Completed Worksheet #4 (front only): Single Replacement Reactions


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Notes: 7.3: Single and Double Replacement

What We Did, Thursday, 5/22/14


1) Handed in Endo and Exothermic Reactions Lab
2) Took LTAs 7.1 and 7.2 on Edmodo
3) Took Notes/Did Examples of Single Replacement Reactions in Notes 7.3 (watch on Blog)

What We Did, 5/22/14

1) Work on Lab: Calculation and Analysis -- all due tomorrow at the beginning of class!
2) Handed back LTA 7.4

Advanced Chemistry:

Paper Plate Awards 2014!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What We Did, Tuesday, 5/20/14


1) LAB: Endo and Exothermic Reaction - complete alternative assignment

Advanced Chemistry:

1) Turn in PPs 5.3 (Ch. 20 Study Guide)
2) Inventory laboratory equipment

Monday, May 19, 2014

What We Did, Monday, 5/19/14

1) Check/Turn in PPs Review of 7.1, 7.2, and 7.4
2) LTA 7.4
3) Pre-Lab Assignment: a) read through lab (hard copy or e-copy on Edmodo), b) watch video on Edmodo, c) Complete Pre-Lab Quiz on Edmodo -- due tomorrow

Advanced Chemistry:
1) Take LTA 5.2
2) Complete PPs 5.3 -- due tomorrow

Friday, May 16, 2014

What We Did, Friday, 5/16/14


2, 3, and 4th hours:

1) Handed Back Unit 5 Tests
2) Worked on Review of 7.1, 7.2, and 7.4 (posted on Edmodo with key) -- due Monday before LTA

6th and 7th hours:
1) Work on Review of 7.1, 7.2, and 7.4 (posted on Edmodo with key) -- due Monday before LTA
2) Pre-Lab Assignment on Edmodo -- watch the video and take notes, complete the quiz on Edmodo

*LTA 7.4 = MONDAY, LTA 7.1 and 7.2 = THURSDAY

Advanced Chemistry:

A - LTA 5.2, complete PPs 5.3 (Study Guide 20) pages 1-2


B - Watch video notes 5.3 (posted on blog), Complete PPs 5.3 (Study Guide 20) all pages

Whatever option you choose today, you'll do the other on Monday.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

ADV Notes 5.3 Part II

What We Did, Thursday, 5/15/14


HOURS 2, 3, and 4:
1) Went over/turned in PPs 7.1 #1 (with 7.2 and 7.4 stapled to the back)
2) Began group jigsaw -- balancing and types of reactions

HOURS 6 and 7:
1) Went over Unit 5 Test
2) Went over PPs 7.1#1 (with 7.2 and 7.4 stapled to the back) and turned in

***LTA 7.1 and 7.4 on MONDAY

Advanced Chemistry:
1) Notes 5.3 Part I -- Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Cells
2) Finish/Work on PPs 5.2 (as many as you need to do to feel ready for the LTA)
3) Unit 4 Tests Returned

****LTA 5.2 on FRIDAY OR MONDAY (your call)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What We Did, Wednesday, 5/14/14

1) Watch video: Notes 7.2 - Types of reaction (here on blog) and take notes under section 7.2.
2) Complete PPs 7.2 and 7.4 (electronic version is on Edmodo) -- staple these to the back of your PPs 7.1 #1. ALL DUE THURSDAY!

Advanced Chemistry:

Continue working on PPs 5.2 (Balancing Redox Reactions in Acidic and Basic Media)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What We Did, Tuesday, 5/13/14

1) College and Career Access Center Presentation
2) Continue PPs 7.1 #1-- complete ALL sections/questions by THURSDAY

Advanced Chemistry:
1) Notes: Balancing Redox Reactions using the 1/2 cell method in BASIC solutions
2) PPs 5.2 - Acidic and Basic - due Friday

ADV 5.2: Notes for Balancing in Basic Solutions

Monday, May 12, 2014

Notes 7.2 - Types of Reactions

What We Did, Monday, 5/12/14


1) Copy Notes 7.4 Part I from a classmate.
2) Complete PPs 7.1 #1 (Part I #1-4 only, Part II 5-8 only) and Balancing Equations Worksheet 1-10 (worksheets on Edmodo) -- due tomorrow

******6th hour only!*********

PPs 7.1 #1 - All of Part I and Part II, begin Balancing Equations when you get done

*LTA 7.1 and 7.4 on Thursday!

Advanced Chemistry:

PPs 5.2 #1 - Balancing Redox Reactions in Acidic Media -- these and basic problems that I will give you tomorrow will all be due on Thursday!

*LTA 5.1 and 5.2 on Friday!

Friday, May 9, 2014

What We Did, Thursday, 5/8/14

1) Handed back LTAs 5.4 and 5.5
2) Review: Unit 5 -- 2/5 pages due upon taking Unit 5 test

Advanced Chemistry:
1) Handed back LTA 4.5
2) Unit 4 Review

What We Did, Friday, 5/9/14

1) Turn in Unit 5 Review (2/5 Pages)
2) Unit 5 Test (Make up Unit 5 Test on Monday if you were gone)

Advanced Chemistry:
1) Unit 4 Test (Make Up Upon Return)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

ADV Chem Notes 5.2

For those of you who were gone for class Wednesday, 5/7/14:

What We Did, Wednesday, 5/7/14

1) Turn in PPs 5.5 #2 and Lab/Lab Alternative -- if electronic, email it to me
2) LTA 5.5

Advanced Chemistry
1) Notes 5.2 Part I

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What We Did, Tuesday, 5/6/14


1) Watch video notes: 7.1 with new note packet for Unit 7.  Take notes as you watch.
2) Continue working on PPs 5.5 #2 - due Wed.
3) Continue working on lab or lab alternative - due Wed.


LTA 4.5
HW: Watch Video notes: 5.1 Part II

Monday, May 5, 2014

ADV Notes 5.1 Part II

Notes 7.1: Chemical Reactions

What We Did, Monday, 5/5/14

1) Writing the formula for a hydrate review
2) PPs 5.5 #2 -- due Wednesday
3) Finish Lab -- due Wednesday

Advanced Chemistry:

1) Notes 5.1 and PPs 5.1 #1
2) Work on /Questions on PPs 4.5 #2 -- Salt Hydrolysis -- due tomorrow

Saturday, May 3, 2014

What We Did, Friday, 5/2/14

1) Finish PPs 5.5 #2 -- due Tuesday
2) Finish Pre-Lab (if not already done)
3) Finish Lab Analysis or Lab Alternative Assignment (on Edmodo) -- due Tuesday

LTA 5.5 next Wednesday
Unit 5 Test next Friday

Advanced Chemistry:
1) Notes: More on Salt Hydrolysis (here on blog)
2) More Salt Hydrolysis PPs -- due Monday

LTA 4.5 next Tuesday
Unit 4 Test next Thursday

Thursday, May 1, 2014

More on Salt Hydrolysis

What We Did, Thursday, 5/1/14


We did the exact same lesson plans as Tuesday, so that the people who were gone for Smarter Balanced could catch up.  So, if you were testing today, you already did what we covered in class when you were here on Tuesday.

Advanced Chemistry:

Review of Salt Hydrolysis -- notes

What We Did, Wednesday, 4/30/14


1) Lab: Empirical Formula of a Hydrate

*If your pre-lab isn't/wasn't done, or you weren't here, you will be completing the "Lab Alternate Assignment" on Edmodo


Advanced Chemistry:

1) Worked on lab reports
2) Worked on salt hydrolysis problems